Education appeals
Families InFocus can support parent carers of children with SEND in appealing decisions the Local Authority (LA) has made about a child or young person’s educational health care needs assessment or plan. We can advise and support with:
- Appealing a refusal to assess (RTA) for an educational healthcare needs assessment (EHCNA)
- Appealing a refusal to re-assess for an educational healthcare needs assessment
- Appealing a school placement
- Appealing sections B, F and I of an educational health care needs plan (EHCP)
- Appealing decision to cease an existing educational health care needs plan (EHCP)
- Appealing a school placement
- Appealing a decision to not issue an EHCP following a needs assessment
For more information, please see our factsheet resources on education appeals. For in-depth guidance and support from a Family Support Adviser, please fill out our online referral form.