Annual Reviews
When a child or young person has an Education, Health and Care plan (EHC plan), the local authority (LA) is required to review the EHC plan at least once a year. This is called an annual review. This process ensures the EHCP remains up to date and continues to provide the right level of support for the child or young person.
The review is a legal requirement that must follow certain timescales and procedures, including the annual review meeting which should be conducted in collaboration with the child or young person, their parent or guardian. The annual review puts the child/young person at the centre of the process, and considers their interests, feelings, and future aspirations. It must also ensure their right to privacy.
The first annual review of the EHCP must take place within 12 months of the plan being finalised. After that, reviews must be held within 12 months of the previous review. The annual review is usually organised by the school, but if you feel a review is needed before it is due, you can ask your local authority for it to be brought forward.
For more information on Annual Reviews, see our factsheet.
Re-assessment of an Education Health and Care (EHC) Plan
If you already have an EHC plan but you feel the needs of your child have changed since their plan was last issued or new needs and provision have been identified by a professional or you feel they need more support or may need to attend a different type of school or college, you may want to consider asking for a re-assessment.
A re-assessment of an EHC plan is an opportunity to gather new evidence to identify what support your child may need. But it can be a lengthy process, therefore if you feel you already have evidence of the changes that are needed, for example an up to date speech and language or cognitive assessment, you can request that the EHC plan is amended at the annual review instead and you can request an early annual review if necessary.
For more information on re-assessments please see our Re-assessment Factsheet and for more information on Annual Reviews please see our Annual Review Factsheet.